Sunday, February 21, 2010

Star of Love Spell

Timing: This spell is best done on the first Friday of the New Moon. Repeat this spell each month until true love finds you.
  • a sheet of paper
  • a pen
  • rose petals
  • jasmine incense
  • a pink or red candle
  • optional: a rose quartz, ruby, or garnet
Light the candle and incense, relaxing completely. Think of all the qualities you desire in a lover, such as faithfulness and honesty. Write them down, being specific. Take as much time as you need, making sure every quality you desire is written down in a clear way. You get what you ask for!
When you are finished with the list, go outside, leaving the candle and incense burning in safe containers. Look up to the sky and find a star that attracts you or appeals to you the most. Holding the rose petals and gems in your hands,visualize the starlight beaming down to fill your hands, infusing the petals with power. Say:
Star of love burning bright,
aid me in my spell tonight.
Unite my true love to me,
as I will then it shall be.
Go back inside and sprinkle the rose petals around the base of the candle, and place the gems in front of it. Picture yourself as a bright flame attracting the person who is best for you. Then call softly:
Hear me as I call to you;
Come to me, my love so true!