Sunday, February 14, 2010

What is love OR What love can be?

Speaking of an Emotion but I might say an extra ordinary emotion which has kept my heart beating all the time, that extra ordinary emotion is called "LOVE"

This is an emotion which has made histories and many legends.You don't know what it really is until you feel it, do it, value it.Its heaven when in it and hell when out from it.

As the time passes the emotion between two hearts grow faster, bonds stronger and thoughts deeper..its natural isn't it?

Time has taught many lessons in life, most of them are relevant to LOVE.
LOVE, how is it relevant? ....When you fall in TRUE LOVE it is obvious you'll go on in any true manner or way, its life, yes..

Desperately chasing it, going on your way, facing the music, you reach the person you LOVE and sometimes its your heart reaching the LOVED heart..Although there are many hurdles, heights but still you go on without feeling the pain if its to meet your LOVE...